Three Digit Dial in Gate Codes for Access
Four Digit Gate Pins to be Removed
Please note that John’s Landing gate system has run out of space and requires a data reset.

- All four (4) digit pin codes will be deleted and will not be available moving forward.
- Residents can apply for a three (3) digit dial-in code that is linked to resident’s phone number which the gate call box will dial and the resident will be able to buzz in their guest/vendor.
- Resident’s can register for the a 3 digit code system by completing the Gate Code and Directory Entry Request Form
- All residents have until November 15, 2021 to register a gate dial-in code.
Existing gate remotes will still work as before.
Gate remotes can be requested from John’s Landing HOA at a cost of $28.00.
Resident Vehicle ID Clings
Vehicles belonging to residents of the John’s Landing community will be required to display a Resident Vehicle ID cling on the bottom drivers side corner of the windshield.

- Resident Vehicle ID clings up to the number of garages on the property will be distributed free of charge.
- Any additional Resident Vehicle ID clings will be available at an additional cost.
- All resident vehicles have to be verified to an address in the John’s Landing community.
- Verification will be by proof of insurance with a John’s Landing address.
- Residents can request Vehicle Resident ID clings by completing the Resident Vehicle ID Cling Request Form
- All residents have until November 15, 2021 to request Resident Vehicle ID clings.
Gate Code requests and Vehicle Resident ID Clings must be completed online no later than November 15, 2021
Gate Remotes
Residents can request Gate Remotes by completing the Gate Remote Request Form
Vendor Codes
Temporary vendor codes will be available by request from John’s Landing HOA and will be changed every 2 to 3 months.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Will the ID cling be removable?
- Yes, it is removable without any residue as it’s a cling with no glue but will stop ‘sticking’ if removed and replaced too many times, so we suggest keeping it in place.
- Will the ID cling have anything that says Johns Landing or Oakland on it?
- No, there will not be any anything saying John’s Landing or Oakland.
It’s a cling with a picture of a tree and the words Parking Permit in green and an ID number.
The ID number will be linked to you and your address in the HOA database which is private.
- What is the purpose of the Resident ID?
- This has become necessary due to issues residents have reported with especially non-residents entering the community, utilizing public areas and causing damaging to both community and homeowner property.
It’s difficult for residents to call the police on a suspicious vehicle if they have no idea whether the vehicle belongs in the community or not.
- Why do I need to provide my insurance policies?
- Insurance policies are the only way the HOA can validate that a vehicle belongs to a resident in the community.
If the HOA is unable to verify that a vehicle belongs to a resident we will have requests from people who do not reside in the community requesting resident ID clings.
And yes, we have had issues with people from other neighborhoods with no affiliation to the John’s Landing community requesting remotes, codes etc.
- Why is the HOA charging for cars in excess of garage space. There are houses that are 5-bedroom homes with a two car garage. Obviously, there would be more than two cars per household if you count the teens driving.
- The HOA is providing ID clings free of charge up to the number of garages on the property.
Any vehicles more than the number of garages will be charged for. The HOA has tried to find a fair and logical way to provide as many clings as possible free of charge to the residents within limits.
Should you have any questions please contact John’s Landing HOA.