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Category: Rules & Regulations

Fines Committee, Gate Codes, Paving Project

May 26, 2022


To All Residents:

In years past, the Board has utilized its best efforts to have homeowners comply with the covenants, restrictions and reasonable rules of Johns Landing Homeowners Association (“HOA”). Unfortunately, some homeowners simply ignore the covenants, restrictions and rules.

Effective immediately, the Association will be enforcing the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Easements & Restrictions and the Rules & Regulations of the HOA. The Board has established a Fines Committee for the HOA. For homeowners who have not brought their property into compliance after receiving numerous violation letters the board will turn the homeowner over to the Fines committee. Homeowners who proceed with changes prior to receiving ARB approval are in violation and will automatically be handed to the Fines Committee. Homeowners in violation will receive a Notice of Hearing of the Fines Committee and are required to appear before the Fines committee at the next HOA board meeting. The Fines Committee will process fines levied by the board at $100 per day (per violation) up to $1,000 per violation. Should the homeowner fail to comply or pay the fine, the HOA will hand the homeowner over to the HOA attorney to start lien and foreclosure proceedings. Homeowners who choose to pay the fine and not bring their property into compliance will be handed directly over to the HOA attorney to start lien and foreclosure proceedings. The governing documents of the Johns Landing HOA and Section 720.305, Florida Statutes grant the HOA this authority.

As previously notified to homeowners and residents, the gate codes are being purged from the system during June 2022. Residents should use their remotes/clickers to enter the community. Remotes can be ordered from the HOA website Gate Remote Request Form. Guests will require a 3-digit gate-dial-code to enter the community. The 3-digit code will be entered by the guest and will dial the residents linked phone number. On answering the call and validating the caller the resident will press “9” on their telephone keypad to open the gate and boom. If you have not already registered for your dial-in-code, please do so without delay Gate and Directory Entry Request Form.

Starting mid-July the pavers at the entrance and gate area will be replaced. This approximate 2-week project will cause disruption to the flow of vehicles entering and exiting the community. Residents are asked to please use caution when entering and exiting the community as all traffic will be flowing in and out of only one gate as work is being completed on the opposite side. Due to the congestion and traffic that flows in and out of the community during the day and to allow for a timelier completion of the project, work will take place in the evenings from 8pm to 6am. Regretfully residents in Cura Crt and particularly those who backup onto the gate and entrance area may experience overnight noise from machinery. Residents’ patience and understanding is requested for the duration of this project.

Johns Landing HOA Board

Reminder Parking Violations

Reminder of the rules regarding parking violations that will result in having your vehicle towed.

The basic parking rules are as follows:

  • No street parking from 1:00am to 6:00am
  • No parking at the gate lots
  • No parking on ANY grass in our community (Common and/or Private Property).
  • No parking on or blocking the sidewalk (Orange County Ordinance 85-1)
  • No parking at the dock as the area is for active loading and unloading only

If your vehicle is towed, please contact:
Car Store Towing directly. 407-656-2624

Architectural Review Board Approval

If you are planning to complete external property maintenance or make any changes to your home including exterior painting, roofing, windows, doors, landscaping, mailboxes etc. an Architectural Review Board (ARB) Application must be submitted for approval.
Any work performed without Architectural Review Board (ARB) Committee approval, which is required pursuant to the Johns Landing Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Easements & Restrictions Article XV, may be subject to a fine.

NOTE: You will require prior Architectural Review Board (ARB) approval when painting the same color or using the same materials for maintenance, repairs or replacement.
Work may not commence until your request is approved by the Architectural Review Board (ARB).

Fine Committee

Positions open on the Johns Landing Fine Committee

A fine committee administers the fine process when a resident fails to re-mediate violations. The fine committee is the last arbiter that a resident who is accused of rules violation has. To clarify the fine committee does not levy fines, the board levies fines and the fine committee is the arbitrator between the board and the homeowner.

The role of the Fining Committee is expressly limited to preside over the “violation hearing” and to either “confirm or reject the fine or suspension levied by the board.”
Thus, it is not the Fining Committee’s role to grant extensions or otherwise change the amount of the fine levied by the Board.
Fines empower the board to carry out its duty to enforce the governing documents.

Fine Committee Member Application

Reminder – Overnight Parking


Overnight Parking

Effective July 22, 2019

The Board of Directors will be enforcing the NO overnight street parking rule.
This will be the only notice that you will receive regarding overnight parking.
Any vehicle parked on the street between the hours of 1 AM and 6 AM will be towed at the Owner’s expense.
Additionally, you are not allowed to park your vehicle on empty lots in the community.
The only place you are allowed to park is in your garage or your driveway.
During the day, if you are parked on the street, please be considerate and do not block any driveway, park too close to any driveway, or park in front of the mailbox.
Please park on one side of the street so that a large truck or emergency vehicle can have easy access.
Violations should be reported via the John’s Landing Violation Report Form.

If your vehicle is towed, please contact the towing company directly.
Their information is as follows:
Car Store of West Orange
Office: 407-656-2624

Gate Codes and Resident Vehicle ID Clings

Three Digit Dial in Gate Codes for Access

Four Digit Gate Pins to be Removed

Please note that John’s Landing gate system has run out of space and requires a data reset.

  • All four (4) digit pin codes will be deleted and will not be available moving forward.
  • Residents can apply for a three (3) digit dial-in code that is linked to resident’s phone number which the gate call box will dial and the resident will be able to buzz in their guest/vendor.
  • Resident’s can register for the a 3 digit code system by completing the Gate Code and Directory Entry Request Form
  • All residents have until November 15, 2021 to register a gate dial-in code.

Existing gate remotes will still work as before.
Gate remotes can be requested from John’s Landing HOA at a cost of $28.00.

Resident Vehicle ID Clings

Vehicles belonging to residents of the John’s Landing community will be required to display a Resident Vehicle ID cling on the bottom drivers side corner of the windshield.

  • Resident Vehicle ID clings up to the number of garages on the property will be distributed free of charge.
  • Any additional Resident Vehicle ID clings will be available at an additional cost.
  • All resident vehicles have to be verified to an address in the John’s Landing community.
  • Verification will be by proof of insurance with a John’s Landing address.
  • Residents can request Vehicle Resident ID clings by completing the Resident Vehicle ID Cling Request Form
  • All residents have until November 15, 2021 to request Resident Vehicle ID clings.

Gate Code requests and Vehicle Resident ID Clings must be completed online no later than November 15, 2021

Gate Remotes

Residents can request Gate Remotes by completing the Gate Remote Request Form

Vendor Codes

Temporary vendor codes will be available by request from John’s Landing HOA and will be changed every 2 to 3 months.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will the ID cling be removable?
    • Yes, it is removable without any residue as it’s a cling with no glue but will stop ‘sticking’ if removed and replaced too many times, so we suggest keeping it in place.
  • Will the ID cling have anything that says Johns Landing or Oakland on it?
    • No, there will not be any anything saying John’s Landing or Oakland.
      It’s a cling with a picture of a tree and the words Parking Permit in green and an ID number.
      The ID number will be linked to you and your address in the HOA database which is private.
  • What is the purpose of the Resident ID?
    • This has become necessary due to issues residents have reported with especially non-residents entering the community, utilizing public areas and causing damaging to both community and homeowner property.
      It’s difficult for residents to call the police on a suspicious vehicle if they have no idea whether the vehicle belongs in the community or not.
  • Why do I need to provide my insurance policies?
    • Insurance policies are the only way the HOA can validate that a vehicle belongs to a resident in the community.
      If the HOA is unable to verify that a vehicle belongs to a resident we will have requests from people who do not reside in the community requesting resident ID clings.
      And yes, we have had issues with people from other neighborhoods with no affiliation to the John’s Landing community requesting remotes, codes etc.
  • Why is the HOA charging for cars in excess of garage space. There are houses that are 5-bedroom homes with a two car garage. Obviously, there would be more than two cars per household if you count the teens driving.
    • The HOA is providing ID clings free of charge up to the number of garages on the property.
      Any vehicles more than the number of garages will be charged for. The HOA has tried to find a fair and logical way to provide as many clings as possible free of charge to the residents within limits.

Should you have any questions please contact John’s Landing HOA.

Association Assessments Due NOW

Association Assessments Overdue After July 31, 2021

The current Association dues were due on July 1, 2021.

HOA Annual Dues not received prior to August 1st 2021 will be placed into delinquency.
From August 1st, 2021 all non-paid dues will be placed into delinquency and subject to fines, penalties and a lien placed against the property until paid in full.
Ensure that your dues are never overdue; Setup an Automatic Debit.

Association assessments are due twice a year, January 1st and July 1st of every year.

Community Drain Cleaning

With hurricane season upon us the community roadway drains will be cleaned on Monday July 19, 2021.

Residents are asked to please ensure that garden refuge and grass clippings are properly removed from properties so as not end up in the drainage system.
If not properly removed the garden refuge and grass enters the drains, clogging them, which will cause flooding during excessive rain.

Committee Volunteers

Volunteers are always needed to power the committees and activities of our community. It is gratifying to know that just a small commitment of your time can make a big difference to our little community. Whether you can distribute flyers on your daily walk, or add your voice of wisdom as a member of the Board of Directors, or just smile and say, “Welcome!” to a new family. You can step up and be a real part of our homeowners association…our community… our neighborhood.

Volunteers are needed for the Architectural Review Board Committee, Fine Committee, Safety Committee, Social Committee, Towing Committee, Violation Committee, and Welcome Committee.

What follows are some brief descriptions of the volunteer positions.
More information can be found on the Committees page.
To volunteer please send complete the Committee Member Application form

Architectural Review Board Committee: (Minimum of 3 volunteers.) The function of the ARB is to assure that any installation, construction or alteration to any LOT or of any STRUCTURE on any LOT shall be submitted to the ARB for approval. The ACC shall have the power and duty to approve or disapprove plans and specifications for any installation (s), construction or alterations to any lot or of any STRUCTURE on any LOT.

Fine Committee: (Minimum of 3 volunteers.) The fine committee has authority to accept or reject the fine levied by the Board. If the fine committee, by majority vote, confirms the fine, the fine will be imposed.

Safety Committee: (Minimum of 3 volunteers.) The safety committee helps improve the safety and security of the community. Committee members can patrol the neighborhood to ensure that safety and security standards are being met.

Social Committee: (Minimum of 3 volunteers.) Aids in planning of holiday parties and get-togethers.

Violation Committee: (Minimum of 3 volunteers.) Members on this committee periodically drive through the community to check for violations. The homeowner (s) and the board are informed by receiving a copy of the Magnolia Gram with violation (s) specified.

Welcoming Committee: (Minimum of 3 volunteers.) Greets and welcomes new residents, also answers any questions about the neighborhood and the HOA.