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Category: Information

Fines Committee, Gate Codes, Paving Project

May 26, 2022


To All Residents:

In years past, the Board has utilized its best efforts to have homeowners comply with the covenants, restrictions and reasonable rules of Johns Landing Homeowners Association (“HOA”). Unfortunately, some homeowners simply ignore the covenants, restrictions and rules.

Effective immediately, the Association will be enforcing the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Easements & Restrictions and the Rules & Regulations of the HOA. The Board has established a Fines Committee for the HOA. For homeowners who have not brought their property into compliance after receiving numerous violation letters the board will turn the homeowner over to the Fines committee. Homeowners who proceed with changes prior to receiving ARB approval are in violation and will automatically be handed to the Fines Committee. Homeowners in violation will receive a Notice of Hearing of the Fines Committee and are required to appear before the Fines committee at the next HOA board meeting. The Fines Committee will process fines levied by the board at $100 per day (per violation) up to $1,000 per violation. Should the homeowner fail to comply or pay the fine, the HOA will hand the homeowner over to the HOA attorney to start lien and foreclosure proceedings. Homeowners who choose to pay the fine and not bring their property into compliance will be handed directly over to the HOA attorney to start lien and foreclosure proceedings. The governing documents of the Johns Landing HOA and Section 720.305, Florida Statutes grant the HOA this authority.

As previously notified to homeowners and residents, the gate codes are being purged from the system during June 2022. Residents should use their remotes/clickers to enter the community. Remotes can be ordered from the HOA website Gate Remote Request Form. Guests will require a 3-digit gate-dial-code to enter the community. The 3-digit code will be entered by the guest and will dial the residents linked phone number. On answering the call and validating the caller the resident will press “9” on their telephone keypad to open the gate and boom. If you have not already registered for your dial-in-code, please do so without delay Gate and Directory Entry Request Form.

Starting mid-July the pavers at the entrance and gate area will be replaced. This approximate 2-week project will cause disruption to the flow of vehicles entering and exiting the community. Residents are asked to please use caution when entering and exiting the community as all traffic will be flowing in and out of only one gate as work is being completed on the opposite side. Due to the congestion and traffic that flows in and out of the community during the day and to allow for a timelier completion of the project, work will take place in the evenings from 8pm to 6am. Regretfully residents in Cura Crt and particularly those who backup onto the gate and entrance area may experience overnight noise from machinery. Residents’ patience and understanding is requested for the duration of this project.

Johns Landing HOA Board

429 Project

Construction Begins on SR 429. On Monday, April 11, the Central Florida Expressway Authority begins construction on SR 429/Daniel Webster Western Beltway from West Road to SR 414. Daytime work is scheduled from 7 a.m. through 5 p.m. Night work is scheduled from 8:30 p.m. through 6 a.m.

For more information, please call 407-383-5817, email,, or visit

State Road 429 Capacity Improvements from Tilden Road to State Road 414

Fine Committee

Positions open on the Johns Landing Fine Committee

A fine committee administers the fine process when a resident fails to re-mediate violations. The fine committee is the last arbiter that a resident who is accused of rules violation has. To clarify the fine committee does not levy fines, the board levies fines and the fine committee is the arbitrator between the board and the homeowner.

The role of the Fining Committee is expressly limited to preside over the “violation hearing” and to either “confirm or reject the fine or suspension levied by the board.”
Thus, it is not the Fining Committee’s role to grant extensions or otherwise change the amount of the fine levied by the Board.
Fines empower the board to carry out its duty to enforce the governing documents.

Fine Committee Member Application

Association Assessments Due NOW

Association Assessments Overdue After January 31, 2022

The current Association dues were due on January 1, 2022.

HOA Annual Dues not received prior to January 31st 2022 will be placed into delinquency.
From January 31st, 2022 all non-paid dues will be placed into delinquency and subject to fines, penalties and a lien placed against the property until paid in full.
Ensure that your dues are never overdue; Setup an Automatic Debit.

Association assessments are due twice a year, January 1st and July 1st of every year.

Bear In The Community

Bear in John’s Landing Community

There have been reports of a bear in the John’s Landing Community

Please take care and be vigilant

  • Please take care when walking
  • Be vigilant when walking dogs
  • If possible keep all pets indoors
  • Secure all garbage containers
  • Do not place garbage containers out overnight
  • Deposit all edible wastes in separate containers that are stored where bears cannot gain access