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Important Changes to Trash Collection in Oakland

Important Changes to Trash Collection in Oakland

Effective February 1, 2025, Trash Collection will change to once-a-week pick-up.
Waste Pro will be the new waste and recycling collection provider in the Town of Oakland.
Residents will receive one 96-gallon garbage and one 96-gallon recycling can, unless a smaller can is requested. To request a smaller can, please visit Waste Pro’s Website.

Pick-up Days


  • Zone 2: Friday

Yard Waste

  • Wednesday – Placed in bags or your own can.

Bulk Pick-up

  • Same as trash day. Residents will need to call Public Works to arrange pick-up.

What do I do with my old can?

There are many options! Old cans can be used for yard waste, recycled, or labeled as trash and thrown away.


Please call Public Works at 407-656-1117 ext. 2304 with any additional questions.

Posted in HOA, Information, Town of Oakland