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    John's Landing Homeowners Association

    Architectural Review Board All Other Application

    Please complete and submit this form for ARB approval prior to commencement of any work on your property

    Any work performed without prior Architectural Review Board (ARB) Committee approval, which is required pursuant to the Johns Landing Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Easements & Restrictions Article XV, may be subject to a $500 fine.
    Please refer to the Johns Landing HOA Architectural Review Board (ARB) Declarations, Rules and Guidelines

    This Application Form is for anything NOT already included in a specified application form listed here:

    ARB Air Conditioner Application | ARB Driveway Walkway Sidewalk Application | ARB Exterior Paint Application | ARB Fences and Gates Application
    ARB Landscape Application | ARB Roof Application | ARB Screen Enclosure Application
    ARB Solar Roof Panels Application | ARB Swimming Pool Application | ARB Windows Application

    If the project is not listed above then continue with this application.
    Including application information for anything listed above on this application will result in an automatic DECLINE.
    Applications may only include one (1) ONE change/improvement.
    Including multiple projects on a single application will result in an automatic DECLINE.
    Please submit separate individual applications for each project that requires ARB approval.
    SEPARATE APPLICATIONS FOR: Gutters, Exterior Lighting, Mailbox, Signs (Realtor/Construction/Political would be FIVE (5) SEPARATE applications.

    Application MUST include FULL description of project.
    Supporting documentation clearly stating the scope of the work to be completed must be included.
    A recent house photo from boundary to boundary (sides of neighbors houses to be visible).
    (For New Construction photo of vacant lot).
    *Applications without required information will be REJECTED and automatically DECLINED.*

    Please check that all required fields marked with a * are answered, have information entered or files uploaded. If not entered the submission will fail.

    Approval is hereby requested to make the following modification, alteration or addition to my property.


    Owner Name(s)
    (as shown on deed) *

    Property Street Address *

    Oakland FL 34787

    Mailing Address *

    Cell Phone *

    Home Phone

    Email *


    Photo of Property *

    Upload RECENT photo of FRONT OF PROPERTY showing ALL of the following:
    (For New Construction photo of vacant lot is acceptable).

    3MB File Size Limit, please check file size before uploading

    Example of House Photo
    *NOTE: Applications without a recent house photo will be automatically rejected.*


    DESCRIBE IN AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE in the areas below information on the ADDITION, MODIFICATION OR REMOVAL to be reviewed by the Architectural Review Board (ARB).
    Include photos, supporting documents and/or files relevant to your application by entering information, uploading files/documents and choosing from lists.
    Upload a property lot survey showing details of the addition, change or installation.
    Lot survey must show current lot boundaries and all existing lot information and include information of application project to be added or removed clearly depicted.
    Include a full information of for projects such as material, color, height, length, width, measurements, etc


    Please Choose Area of Review *

    Please submit separate applications for each project that requires ARB approval.

    Property Location *

    Does your property back up onto a LAKE or a POND?

    Please choose an option for your property:
    No, my Property DOES NOT backup to a Pond or LakeYes, my Property DOES backup to a Pond or Lake
    If yes, please NOTE that there are specific GUIDELINES for properties that border onto LAKES and PONDS.

    Details of Project *

    Include details such as material, color, height, length, width, measurements from house, measurements from boundaries, placement, location, ALL measurements, reason for changes etc.

    Documentation *

    Upload project documentation with FULL details of project; location, height, length, width, material, color, existing information, new information, describe location on property for modification or installation.
    3MB File Size Limit, please check file size before uploading

    Property Lot Survey *

    Upload property lot survey showing project details.
    3MB File Size Limit, please check file size before uploading

    Lot survey showing location of boundaries, home, driveway, walkway, sidewalk and ALL locations of existing items, ALL locations of addition, modification or removal including relation to boundaries.
    Clearly show ALL changes, exactly what will be added, modified and/or removed.

    Click on image for larger view.

    Upload Supporting Documents

    Upload additional supporting documents, photos, as needed to describe modification or additions.
    3MB File Size Limit, please check file size before uploading

    Additional Supporting Documents

    3MB File Size Limit, please check file size before uploading

    Additional Supporting Documents

    3MB File Size Limit, please check file size before uploading

    Checklist *

    Have you included the following Required Information for your project?

    If approved, I will notify the ARB within 14 days of completion of this project and will present evidence (invoices, paint cans, contractor documentation) to the ARB during the ARB inspection verifying that the project was completed as approved by the ARB.

    If applicable I understand that the ARB will use the Sherwin-Williams ColorSnap Match paint color matching device to check that the paint used matches the paint colors that were approved.


    In making this request, I hereby agree to repair any damages caused to common or limited common areas as a result of this modification, alteration or addition and will restore these areas to their original condition within fourteen (14) days of completion of modification, alteration or addition to my property.

    Please Note

      All requests must conform to all Zoning and Building Regulations
      You must obtain all necessary permits if the Architectural Review Board approves your request

      Contact Sunshine, to locate all underground lines (established by Chap. 556 F.S., Underground Facility Damage Prevention & Safety Act.)

    • All approvals are subject to installation conforming to association documents, rules, regulations and guidelines.

    • The ARB committee has fourteen (14) days from application acceptance to review.

    • The ARB committee reserves the right to inspect the approved work to ensure it is completed according to the specified requirements.

    • This application is valid for ninety (90) days from date of approval.

    • If work is not completed within ninety (90) days of approval, a new ARB application must be submitted.

    Please note that TOTAL size of uploaded files is limited to general mailbox limits of 25MB.

    BEFORE SUBMITTING: Please check that all required fields marked with an * are answered, have information entered or files uploaded. If not, form submission will fail.