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Month: November 2021

Reminder – Overnight Parking


Overnight Parking

Effective July 22, 2019

The Board of Directors will be enforcing the NO overnight street parking rule.
This will be the only notice that you will receive regarding overnight parking.
Any vehicle parked on the street between the hours of 1 AM and 6 AM will be towed at the Owner’s expense.
Additionally, you are not allowed to park your vehicle on empty lots in the community.
The only place you are allowed to park is in your garage or your driveway.
During the day, if you are parked on the street, please be considerate and do not block any driveway, park too close to any driveway, or park in front of the mailbox.
Please park on one side of the street so that a large truck or emergency vehicle can have easy access.
Violations should be reported via the John’s Landing Violation Report Form.

If your vehicle is towed, please contact the towing company directly.
Their information is as follows:
Car Store of West Orange
Office: 407-656-2624

Warning!!! Bear in the Community

Bear in John’s Landing Community

There have been reports of a bear in the John’s Landing Community

Please take care and be vigilant

  • Please take care when walking
  • Be vigilant when walking dogs
  • If possible keep all pets indoors
  • Secure all garbage containers
  • Do not place garbage containers out overnight
  • Deposit all edible wastes in separate containers that are stored where bears cannot gain access

Johns Lake Holiday Boat Parade

From: Johns Lake Improvement Association

Save the date for the 2021 Johns Lake Holiday Boat Parade

December 12, 2021

Don’t miss the fun this year as we celebrate our 21st annual holiday boat parade! Last year we had a record forty-four (44) boats participate in the parade and many, many enthusiastic parade watchers along the shores of Johns Lake. It was a great night for all and with your help, we’re ready to make it even bigger and better this year! A big thank you to Tommy’s Florida who was our sponsor for prizes last year! This year we are looking for additional sponsors. Please contact Karen Quill at if you wish to become a sponsor.

We will publish more details on our website (see below) and Facebook Page. We will include both the parade route as well as how you can register your boat to win prizes. Please keep an eye out for more information coming soon!
Please come join us for the 21st Annual Johns Lake Holiday Boat Parade! Last year we had forty-four (44) boats in the parade and we hope for even more this year!
The parade will start at the furthest NW corner of Johns Lake and motor eastbound past as many neighborhoods as possible in a two-hour time frame.
We keep our boaters in mind when creating the route, since two-hours is quite a long time for people/families to be out on the water. We can’t motor past every single part of the lake but we do try to cover as much shore line as possible. Our plan is to change the boat-route on a semi-regular basis so that everyone has a fair shot at viewing it from their home.
We ask that all boats entering the parade register in advance. Click this link to register.
We’re happy to announce that once again, prizes will be awarded to our top three boats! More detail on prizes to come in future p