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Month: May 2021

Memorial Day Information

5 things not to do on Memorial Day
  • Don’t wish anyone a “Happy Memorial Day” This is not Christmas – Memorial Day was not founded in joy with the promise of brining glee each year
  • Don’t thank the current troops
  • Don’t disregard its importance
  • Don’t forget it exists
  • Don’t let politics keep you from rendering respect

Fireworks for Memorial Day


Fireworks may not be set off around ponds or in recreational areas in John’s Landing.

With the approaching holiday weekend the John’s Landing HOA would like to remind residents that fireworks may not be set off around ponds or recreational areas including the boat dock and playground.

Fireworks may only be set-off from within the residents own property. In doing so resident assumes all responsibility for any damage incurred to surrounding homes and HOA property. All firework residue to be cleaned up within 24 hours.

  • Fireworks are not permitted to be set-off within the area around ponds and the boat dock
  • Fireworks are not to be set-off on empty lots
  • Fireworks may only be set-off from within the residents own property
  • In doing so resident assumes all responsibility for any damage incurred to surrounding homes and HOA property
  • All firework residue to be cleaned up within 24 hours
  • Please be considerate to neighbors and pets